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Sample 1

Graphic Counter

Graphic counter can be used to generate visitors number on your pages and other similar purposes. It creates image with a custom text and sends it directly to your browser data stream when temporary image files are not needed.


Dim ImageType 
'ImageType = 0 ' PNG
ImageType = 1 ' Jpeg

'Request from querystring variable
rqs = Request.QueryString("type")
if rqs <> "" then
if isNumeric(rqs) then 
if ((rqs >=0) and (rqs<2)) then ImageType = rqs
end if
end if

' Clear out the existing HTTP header information
Response.Expires = 0
Response.Buffer = TRUE

' Change the HTTP header to reflect that an image is being passed.
if ImageType = 0 then
Response.ContentType = "image/png" 
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg" 
end if

Dim im
Dim a
Set im = CreateObject("ActiveImage.Images.1")
im.CreateImage 100,100
im.SetImageType ImageType
im.SetColor 255, 255,255
im.Fill 0,0
im.SetColor 0,0,255
im.DrawText 10,10,"Banner System"
im.DrawText 20,80,"visitors:" & Round(Rnd()*100)
im.DrawRectangle 1,1,99,99

Dim d,r,g,b
data = "20,45,15,9,11"
red = "255,255 ,255,0,0 "
green = "0,0,255,255,0"
blue = "0,255,127,255,255"

d = split(data,",")
r = split(red,",")
g = split(green,",")
b = split(blue,",")
x = 0

For i = 0 to 4
im.SetColor r(i),g(i),b(i)
im.DrawFilledArc 40,50,40,40,(x*3.6),(d(i)+x)*3.6
x = x + d(i)

im.SetJpegQuality 100
a = im.WriteToVariable
response.BinaryWrite a 
retval = im.DestroyImage
Set im = Nothing



<TITLE>Test WriteToVariable method</TITLE>
<TD><img src="pic.asp?type=0"></TD>
<TD><img src="pic.asp?type=1"></TD>


Picture 1. Stream.png 0.98 Kb

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