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Demo ASP scripts to use Active Image component

Sample 1

Graphic counter, direct output to Browser data stream

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetColor, Fill, DrawText, SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, WriteToVariable, DestroyImage

Sample 2

Saving/Reading image to/from script variable

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetColor, Fill, DrawText, SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, WriteToVariable, ReadFromVariable, WriteToFile, DestroyImage

Sample 3

Drawing Polygons

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetColor, Fill, DrawRectangle, SetLineThickness, SetFont, DrawTextAngle , DrawPolygon, DrawFilledPolygon, SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, WriteToFile, DestroyImage

Sample 4

Filling image with a custom color, getting image information, drawing lines with a selected thickness

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetColor, Fill, SetLineThickness, DrawLine, GetPixelRed, GetPixelGreen, GetPixelBlue, DrawText , SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, WriteToFile, DestroyImage

Sample 5

Reading image from database

Shows the usage of the following methods: ReadFromDatabase , SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, WriteToFile, DestroyImage

Sample 6

Filled rectangles, color manipulation

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetColor, Fill, DrawFilledRectangle, GetPixelRed, GetPixelGreen, GetPixelBlue, DrawText , SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, WriteToFile, DestroyImage

Sample 7

Using True Type Fonts

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateObject, SetFontPathTTF, SetFontSizeTTF, SetFontTTF, CreateImage, SetColor, DrawTextTTF, SetFontSizeTTF, DrawTextAngleTTF, WriteToFile

Sample 8

Filled rectangles, color manipulation, transparent image

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetColor, Fill, DrawFilledRectangle, GetPixelRed, GetPixelGreen, GetPixelBlue, DrawText , SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, WriteToFile, DestroyImage, SetSaveAlpha, SetAlphaBlending,SetFontTTF,SetFontPathTTFAuto,SetAlphaColor

Sample 9

Image information, transparent image

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImagePalette, SetColor, Fill, DrawFilledRectangle, GetColorRed, GetColorGreen, GetColorBlue, GetColorAlpha, DrawText, WriteToFile, DestroyImage, SetSaveAlpha, SetAlphaBlending, SetAlphaColor, SetTransparent, GetTransparent, SetColorByIndex, GetColorTotal

Sample 10

Read, resize and copy, save images

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateObject, SetImageType, ReadFromFile, GetHeight, GetWidth, CopyImageResize, SetImage, DestroyImage, SetColor, DrawFilledRectangle, CopyImage, WriteToFile

Sample 11

Graphics for WAP

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetImageType, SetColor, Fill, DrawRectangle, DrawFilledRectangle, DrawText, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, DestroyImage, SetJpegQuality, WriteToVariable, GetWidth, GetHeight, SetImage, CopyImageResize, ConvertToMonochromeAuto

Sample 12

World Map v 1.1

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetImageType, SetColor, Fill, DrawRectangle, DrawFilledRectangle, DrawText, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, DestroyImage, SetJpegQuality, WriteToVariable, GetWidth, GetHeight, SetImage, CopyImageResize, ConvertToMonochromeAuto

Sample 13

Copy and resize transparent image part and save it to GIF and palette PNG files

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImagePalette, DrawRectangele, DrawEllipse, SetImageType, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, GetWidth, GetHeight, SetImage, SetTransparent, CopyImageResize, DestroyImage

Sample 14

Using ActiveImage in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetImageType, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, DestroyImage

Sample 15

Make Thumbnails

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetImageType, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, GetWidth, GetHeight, SetImage, CopyImageResize, DestroyImage

Sample 16

Merge Transparent Images

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetImageType, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, GetWidth, GetHeight, SetImage, CopyImageMerge, DestroyImage

Sample 17

GrayScale Image

Shows the usage of the following methods: SetImageType, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, ConvertToGrayScale, DestroyImage

Sample 18

Rotate Image

Shows the usage of the following methods: SetImageType, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, CopyImageRotate, CopyImageSimpleRotate, DestroyAll

Sample 19

Get dimensions of a text string

Shows the usage of the following methods: SetFontPathTTFAuto, SetFontSizeTTF, SetFontTTF, CreateImage, SetAlphaColor, Fill, GetTextTTFRectangle, DrawTextTTF, DrawRectangle, SetImageType, ConvertToPaletteNoAlpha, WriteToFile

Sample 20

Drawing text with a shadow

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImage, SetImageType, SetColor, DrawFilledRectangle, SetFontPathTTFAuto, SetFontSizeTTF, SetFontTTF, DrawTextTTF, WriteToFile, DestroyAll

Sample 21

Drawing text without antialiasing

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImagePalette, SetColor, DrawFilledRectangle, SetFontPathTTFAuto, SetFontSizeTTF, SetFontTTF, SetTextAntialias, DrawTextTTF, SetImageType, SetJpegQuality, ConvertToPaletteNoAlpha, WriteToFile, DestroyAll

Sample 22

Replacing colors and creating transparency

Shows the usage of the following methods: CreateImagePalette, SetImageType, ReadFromFile, ConvertToPaletteNoAlpha, GetWidth, GetHeight, GetPixelRed, GetPixelGreen, GetPixelBlue, SetColor, SetPixel, SetTransparent, SetSaveAlpha, WriteToFile, DestroyAll

Sample 23

Converting images from one image format to another.

Shows the usage of the following methods: SetImageType, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile, ConvertToPaletteNoAlpha, DestroyAll

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